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Showing posts from 2015

News and apologies

Hi everyone sorry I have been missing for a while, I've really missed my blogging and I am hoping I will be able to get back into the swing of things. My news is I am pregnant with baby number 5, currently 22 weeks.  A very big shock at first as it wasn't a planned pregnancy but saying that this bump is very welcome and now the excitement of another bundle of joy arriving has taken over the shock. I had a rough few months feeling so ill and I'm so glad that part of pregnancy is over with now and it has gone really quick already. I'm booked in to have a home birth this time after bumps unplanned home arrival.  But that said you just never know what will happen when the time comes. I will say goodbye for now and watch up for updates and posts coming soon. Thanks for stopping by.

new mum fitness

we all get that feeling after we've had a baby, we feel we need to get fit shake off that baby belly and get our bodies back again. It's not always easy to find the time or the energy when you've got a baby but there are lots of things you can do which include using your buggy to help you keep fit. If you head over to the kiddicare blog here there is lots of advice and information on New Mum Fitness including walking and jogging with your pushchair, they can also advice on the types of pushchairs that are best used for these activities. I myself have been wanting to get fitter for a while now, I've lost all my baby weight now bump is one but I don't feel as fit as before and had previously looked into some classes but just haven't had the time to go. I do quite a bit of walking everyday and had never thought about incorporating this into a fitness regeime.  Jogging is great way of getting fit and you...


Hi sorry I've not been around much, I have been so busy being a mum I haven't had much time for anything else this year.  Bump is 13 months old now, the time has flown by, he's walking and a right little handful always getting up to mischief. I have also been working on a new blog, you can check it out here  there's lots of offers and discount codes on there plus a competiton to win an Amazon voucher. Would be great if you stopped by and said hello.


Yes I know its already the 10 January, hasn't it gone quick.  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  Its been one thing after another here with everyone having some sort of illness since before Christmas, roll on springtime. If any of you are trying to give up smoking for your resolution then be sure to check out my review of The Aspire Premium E cig. I will be back soon with more news and reviews plus hopefully some new giveaways.

Aspire premium E-cig starter kit review

New year means New Years resolutions with one of the most common being giving up smoking.  Any one who has tried knows how hard it can be, I myself have given up several times and have lasted up to two years smoke free but always end up going back. More and more people are using E cigarettes now, I have been wanting to try one for a while now and was sent the Aspire Premium kit just before Christmas to try out and review. I was sent the kit containing everything you need to get started plus a bottle of e-liquid. The model I received is the CF VV+ high end vaping power system. Features include stainless steel end points, metal button, carbon fibre coated tube and voltage change. The manual was easy to read with clear instructions on how to put it together and use. I really like the quality and  sleek design of it you can tell it has been well made and designed, I love the feature of being able to change the voltage (3.3, 3.8, 4.3, 4.8) and is changed by just twisting the bo...