Feeling as big as a beached whale.... |
32 weeks today
The weeks are starting to go by quickly which is good, Im looking forward to bump arriving and also being able to actually get out of the house again which at the moment isnt very often and I only have to go out if necessary. yesterday I had to and decided I would get on the bus as it would take me some of the way but I wondered why i bothered because believe it or not I had to stand up, not one person one single person offered me their seat I was fuming and even got off the bus a stop early for fear of having a swearing fit at the other passengers. I don't buy any of that crap people come out with about not knowing if someone is pregnant or not and not wanting to offend them, I am quite plainly obviously pregnant and almost ready to pop, I could of and probably should of said something but I didn't I was too tired and didn't want to start a big row. Arrrrrrgh rant over.
So I'm feeling tired and quite fed up now and as d date gets nearer I find my mind wondering about how the birth is going to be, I try not to wonder too much though as already doing it 3 times I know it will be painful, very painful.
I saw the consultant on Tuesday ( had been under consultant due to migraine medication, previous miscarriages and having had loop diathermy on my cervix last year) he said everything seems fine, bump seems happy and my cervix measured long at my 20 weeks scan so no need to see him anymore, which was obviously good news. He measured bump and to my surprise is only 30cm only 1cm more than it was at my midwife appointment at 28 weeks, I was expecting it to be much bigger and am convinced he has done it wrong ha ha I have the midwife again at 34 weeks so will see then.
Im still none the wiser about my weight gain I had planned to weigh myself at the hospital on Tuesday but there wasn't any scales in the room we were in, maybe its a sign that i shouldn't know may be too scary.
so what should be happening this week according to the medical world? here is a 32 week update courtesy of Babycentre and can be found here http://www.babycentre.co.uk/s1001629/32-weeks-pregnant
How your baby's growing
If your baby's a boy, his testicles have probably moved into his
scrotum. Sometimes, one or both testicles don't get into position until
after birth. This is nothing to worry about. Undescended testicles often correct themselves before the first birthday.
Your baby gains a third to half of her birth weight during the next seven weeks, fattening up for life outside your uterus (womb). Thanks to this fatty layer, your baby's skin is plumping up nicely.
Your baby gains a third to half of her birth weight during the next seven weeks, fattening up for life outside your uterus (womb). Thanks to this fatty layer, your baby's skin is plumping up nicely.
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