Hes here!! The day after my last post (39 weeks) bump arrived. Apologies for taking so long to post but when that little bundle of joy arrives there's not much time for anything else. Here he is now 24 days old.
He is just adorable, it felt I he would never arrive but when he did it all happened so quickly and he was born in my bedroom me on all fours with 5 paramedics and a midwife ha ha not quite what I was expecting.
You would think being my fourth baby i would know when i was in labour but ecpect the unexpected as they say.
I woke up with cramping as i had done for weeks but then started having little contractions but didnt take much notice as with the others i expected my waters to go first. They kept coming so decided to time them and they were 7 minutes apart I thought shit this is really happening. I phoned the hospital and they said if i went in i would probably be sent home so I decided to stay put for a while, however my contractions speeded up and we phoned an ambulance. By the time they got here they were 2 minutes apart and they decided not to take me in due to the fact of not wanting to try and get me down stairs ( we live on 2nd floor) so they called for a midwife to come She promptly arrived and told me i was 9cm and literally minutes later he arrived all in one go, waters went everywhere. He was born at 10.16a.m weighing 7lb 11 so a big baby for me. Despite that it was the easiest birth (3rd was herendous) so much more relaxing than at hospital andthe midwife was lovely. We did have to go in for 24 hour monitoring as had meconium and i had a 2nd degree tear which without stitches seems to be healing fine.
So thats how bump arrived and im looking forward to blogging lots about my gorgeous boy.
Congratulations! He's gorgeous x